Oldenburg Burnout Inventory Demerouti

Burnout was measured with the german version of the oldenburg burnout inventory (olbi; demerouti & nachreiner, 1998). the olbi consists of 16 items, eight of which measure the exhaustion dimension of burnout (e.g., “there are days when i feel tired before i arrive at work”) and eight measuring the disengagement dimension of burnout (e.g. Burnout inventory (olbi; demerouti, bakker, vardakou & kantas, 2003), and to test the factor structure of the olbi among dutch employees working in one of two occupational sectors: health care and white collar work.. Oldenburg burnout inventory, free for scientific, non-commercial research..

Free burnout instrument [ 09-05-2011 ] the oldenburg burnout inventory can be used for free in non-commercial research. see the appendix of this article for the instrument: demerouti, e., mostert, k., & bakker, a.b. (2010). burnout and work engagement: a thorough investigation of the independency of both constructs.. The oldenburg burnout inventory (olbi; demerouti et al., 2001, demerouti et al., 2003, demerouti et al., 2010) measures two dimensions of burnout: exhaustion and disengagement. items are scored on a four-point scale from strongly agree (1) to strongly disagree (4).. Furthermore the inventory measures burnout independent of vocational aspects on the two dimensions. unlike the olbi also covers physical and cognitive aspects of exhaustion, that is, a need for.

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