Overview. csixrevit is a plugin for autodesk revit ® that enables bi-directional data transfer to csi software products: sap2000 ®, etabs ® and safe ®.. csixrevit supports four (4) main workflows of data transfer with autodesk revit ®:. exporting from revit ® to create a new csi software model.; exporting from revit ® to update an existing csi software model.. Civilax is the knowledge base covering all disciplines in civil engineering. we aim to close the gap to the industry by improving the awareness about latest trends in civil engineering.. Csixrevit version 2018.0 is a new product that integrates into autodesk revit® 2018 to enable the exchange of information with csi products etabs, safe, and sap2000. (see version compatibility below for specific versions)..
This feature is not available right now. please try again later.. Csixrevit will then try to load families that are not already loaded. slab and wall families that you would like etabs sections to map its sections to prior to importing. if you would like to update an existing revit structure model. whether you are created a new revit structure model or updating an existing revit structure mode.. Data exchange between csixrevit and etabs supports four different workflows: 1) exporting from revit to create a new etabs model. 2) exporting from revit to update an existing etabs model..