Retrieves historical market information based on the specified dates from google finance. here is a list of common attributes for mutual funds. creates a chart inside a cell to display the currency exchange trend during the last 30 days, using the retrieving result returns by googlefinance .. In this video we show you how to link google finance stock data to excel worksheet fb: https: get stock quotes from yahoo finance api - duration: 21:49. dontfretbrett 418,735 views.. I don't know about the google finance stocks feed but i have seen same thing with yahoo finance api search in youtube : get vba get stock quotes from yahoo finance api.
After you click a button, excel uses a vba macro to connect to google finance to import the data. the spreadsheet imports the trading date, open price, high price, low price, close price, trading value and the adjusted closed.. Search google; about google; privacy; terms. Most third party addins appear to rely on the yahoo finance api, though there are others eg bloomberg. in excel 2013 you can use the new webservices function with say an appropriate yahoo finance link..