A2 tonbridge to pembury improvement introduction welcome to the 4th issue of the a21 tonbridge to pembury newsletter. it has been some time since our last newsletter in 2009 but as we begin the. Scheme comprises eia scoping opinion (kcc) - change of use of land from b1, b2 and b8 uses to an aggregate recycling facility comprising importation of storage and treatment of non-hazardous inert and excavation materials, construction of an office building and importation of less than 5,000 tonnes. Yew tree farm cottages are stylish and comfortable holiday and short break rentals on a small working farm in the pretty village of tattenhall near chester..
Address: council tax 2014/15: annexe at yew tree farm, pembury road, tonbridge, kent, tn11 0qb: £987 (band a) hunters lodge, pembury road, tonbridge, kent, tn11 0qb. Bridleway near yew tree farm. highways agency media services dorking, s140395 an executive agency of the department for transport construction and working hours construction activity will generally take place during the day, but as with the current site clearance works, if for safety reasons activities require a lane closure on the a21 this will have to be done at night. unless there is an.